Another beautiful day. Okay it was cold and cloudy and drizzly I think. But the sky was beautiful on my way out to my car.
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Drop me a note if you have any questions about my photos. If you have any comments, I'd like to hear those too.
Privacy Policy - All information submitted to this site will not be forwarded to any other person or party. It will be used solely for the purpose of sending out e-mails pertaining to this site and it's contents.
What was I thinking....
I don't know. I came up with the photo of the day idea because I was bored and needed something to get me motivated creatively after I got fired. I already enjoyed taking photos and knew this would force me to really open my eyes, looking for moments, subjects or anything to shoot. Some days I don't get my camera out fast enough.
I initially posted my photos as an album on Facebook to share with friends. I started in July of 2010 and went back to my b-day in June. That’s why there are only a few photos in the first month and why it starts in the middle of the year.
Being a web designer building a site just seemed like the next logical step for me after a few months. It was an opportunity to build something new that I hadn't built before and another creative project. My first iteration of the website wa in Flash, but the second time around I wanted it to be accessible on mobile devices too.
I have a couple of photography books I'm working on and this project would help feed the need for content, but more importantly, help maintain a level of creative momentum. The best part - there are NO rules. Everything is valid; the interesting, of course, the silly, because its funny (at least to me) or the mundane, just because.
I try to take a photo every day, but sometimes I don’t. Of course some days I take way more than one. Vacations and events are big occasions though I try not to post photos of family and friends. I didn’t really come to this decision until a little ways into this so you’ll see a few faces in the early months of this project.