March 31, 2014 - Monday
"In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." I'm not such a young man so I was thinking about Greek Chicken Pasta while I was walking Grace after work. We went to the grocery store after our walk. I'm not dead though, I met a cute woman on the next block.
March 30, 2014 - Sunday
Went to help a friend paint the cabinets in her master bath. This was the first course of a 4 course meal that was all so delicious. The salad looked so nice when I set in on the table in the sunlight coming in the window that I had to stop and take a picture.
March 29, 2014 - Saturday
Went out to meet a friend from high school that I don't get to see often enough. We met at a b-day party. I got to see some other friends from high school too, people I haven't seen seen since I was 17. Had a great time catching up. Dinner at 12:30 am was not necessarily a great idea though.
March 28, 2014 - Friday
I went to meet a friend for dinner and a drink or two after work. I don't usually drink real frequently or very much at a time. That has not always been the case, but that would be a different picture of the day I guess.
March 27, 2014 - Thursday
Today wasn't necessarily a long day, but after coming home from work and taking Grace for a walk, I decided to end my day with a drink.
March 26, 2014 - Wednesday
She's been my home screen before. And my pic of the day before. Dec. 1, 2010. I came across this picture a while back and downloaded it. She's beautiful, she had cute feet and she could cook. Why are there no women like this in movies anymore?
March 25, 2014 - Tuesday
I worked some photoshop magic for a friend a while back. She sent me some Tiff's Treats as a way of saying, "Thank you." She's quite a special young lady, and not just because she sent me cookies, ice cream and chocolate milk. But that helps.
March 24, 2014 - Monday
Leaving work this evening, I saw this guy again. Feb. 14, 2013. Poor guy doesn't have much of a tail either. The sad part of this is all the cigarette butts on the ground there. I guess we know where the smokers hang out. Nothing against smokers, litterbugs on the other hand.....
March 23, 2014 - Sunday
After my early afternoon nap I spent some time in the garage making this. It's a bit of a prototype for a passive acoustic amplifier. There are no wires just a wooden enclosure that provides a much richer, directional and louder sound from an iPhone. I'll post another picture once it's been stained and finished.
March 22, 2014 - Saturday
After sleeping in a for a bit I got up and took Grace for a walk. I think the mother that lives at this house is glad to be able to get the kids out of the house to play. There's always all kinds of kids toys on the porch or in the yard when the weather is nice.
March 21, 2014 - Friday
This evening after taking Grace for a walk I went out to the garage to work on an other project. Made some more sawdust too. I was out there for a few hours and the weather was so nice. I think Grace really likes being out on the patio.
March 20, 2014 - Thursday
Went to meet a friend for some really great Greek food. She picked up a bottle of wine for us too. Great patio weather. We sat next to a funny group of older men from Greece. We thought we ate a lot for two people. It looked like they ordered one of everything and it all looked good.
March 19, 2014 - Wednesday
RIley and I drove out to Ft. Worth see a friend and two of my God Daughters. One of them is in from out of state with her new baby. She has such big, beautiful blue eyes. I got to meet one of my other God Daughter's little girl too. Wish I got to see them all more often.
March 18, 2014 - Tuesday
Just like mom used to make. This is Chicken and Mole the way my mom made it when I was growing up. Too bad my parents live so far away. They would have liked this. Though on the other had if they were here I probably wouldn't have lunch for the rest of the week.
March 17, 2014 - Monday
After spending most of the day yesterday watching cooking shows, I decided to put some of that new found knowledge to work. I came home from work and boiled a chicken for stock and what I'm making tomorrow. Then I made this, a Flat Apple Pie. Very simple and I thought it was good. Riley said it was too tart.
March 16, 2014 - Sunday
After doing almost nothing all day, in a spurt of inspiration, I wired the headboard I made with a dimmer switch (the green lights) that controls the lamps on the sideboards. Its a simple design but I think it looks nice. I'm working on a design for some new lamps that I'll be making soon.
March 15, 2014 - Saturday
Grace and I went to Home Depot this morning and that was the closest I would come to doing any work today. I spent the rest of the day having a great meal with a friend and then finding a place for dessert. It started raining during dinner and this was the sky walking out after dessert. Not a bad day at all.
March 14, 2014 - Friday
After work I went out to put the final bits of trim on my headboard and apply a final coat of finish to the whole thing. I heard Grace barking for a bit and looked out to see her sitting facing the fence barking at this guy. She handles them much more calmly than Shadow, Zeke and Vegas. I still miss them.
March 13, 2014 - Thursday
With the weather being warmer the last few days I've been able to get back out in my garage to get more work done. I'm almost done with my headboard. Just a little more assembly and some electrical and I'll be ready to make some lamps.
March 12, 2014 - Wednesday
I went out to visit my parents again. Doing some tech support this time. My brother's cows had some babies. I think they named this one Shadow. My mom's chickens had some chicks too, but I couldn't find them to get some pics. Maybe next time.
March 11, 2014 - Tuesday
A friend was having a long week. Yes and it was only Tuesday. We met for Waffle Cheese Fries or would it be Cheese Waffle Fries? Either way they are so good. Of course I couldn't let her drink alone. So in spite of my rather light work load so far this week, I had a Shiner.
March 10, 2014 - Monday
When I went out to see my parents on Saturday we went out to dinner at a little Italian place. The food was amazing. This was my leftover Chicken Piccata. The servings were so large I had plenty left for lunch today. This place is as good as Tony's by my house.
March 9, 2014 - Sunday
Went to a friend's house to help her with a project. We witnessed what apprears to be a first date between two cardinals. I kinda like that this guy went with a little understated red look rather than the over the top, in your face bright red.
March 8, 2014 - Saturday
Went out to spend the day with my parents. We went to dinner at a little Italian place out there. The food was amazing. It was up there with Tony's by my house. It was fun hanging out with my mom and sister most of the day.
March 7, 2014 - Friday
I spent part of the evening working in the garage. The cold weather is limiting what I can do with the stain and finish and honestly I don't like working in the cold anyways. I'll have to look back at this in June, July and August. And maybe May, September and October.
March 6, 2014 - Thursday
I ordered a stylus for my iPad the other day and it finally came in. I've been using it a little today and really like how it works with the Paper app. Both are made by the same company. I like that it's shaped like a carpenter's pencil. Reminds me of working with my dad when I was little.
March 5, 2014 - Wednesday
Riley gave Grace a kiss on the head today, but she wouldn't sit still to let me take a pic of her.
March 4, 2014 - Tuesday
If your going to have cookies and milk for an evening snack you might as well have it in a grown up mug. I don't drink coffee so clearly I've not grown up yet. I only have a few mugs and somehow they all have cartoons on them.
March 3, 2014 - Monday
I was out taking Grace for a walk after work. I looked over in the yard of one of my neighbors and saw these growing in patches around one of their trees. Of course it's little patch of ground around it was covered with ice from yesterday. How does it survive?
March 2, 2014 - Sunday
I love my home state of Texas, even with the bipolar weather. Yes it was in the low 80's yesterday and today it's what a friend has coined as "thundersleet." I heard a little thunder mixed in with all this freezing rain and the temperature is in the 20's. At least I'm getting stuff done inside today.
March 1, 2014 - Saturday
It was such a beautiful day out today. I went to run some errands and pick up some groceries. I took Grace with me for the ride. Then she hung out outside the rest of the afternoon. I don't blame her. I did a little work out in the garage for a bit too. Tomorrow's supposed to not be as nice.
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Drop me a note if you have any questions about my photos. If you have any comments, I'd like to hear those too.
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What was I thinking....
I don't know. I came up with the photo of the day idea because I was bored and needed something to get me motivated creatively after I got fired. I already enjoyed taking photos and knew this would force me to really open my eyes, looking for moments, subjects or anything to shoot. Some days I don't get my camera out fast enough.
I initially posted my photos as an album on Facebook to share with friends. I started in July of 2010 and went back to my b-day in June. That’s why there are only a few photos in the first month and why it starts in the middle of the year.
Being a web designer building a site just seemed like the next logical step for me after a few months. It was an opportunity to build something new that I hadn't built before and another creative project. My first iteration of the website wa in Flash, but the second time around I wanted it to be accessible on mobile devices too.
I have a couple of photography books I'm working on and this project would help feed the need for content, but more importantly, help maintain a level of creative momentum. The best part - there are NO rules. Everything is valid; the interesting, of course, the silly, because its funny (at least to me) or the mundane, just because.
I try to take a photo every day, but sometimes I don’t. Of course some days I take way more than one. Vacations and events are big occasions though I try not to post photos of family and friends. I didn’t really come to this decision until a little ways into this so you’ll see a few faces in the early months of this project.
From now on I won't be updating the older versions. Please go to the home page for newer content.