March 31, 2015 - Tuesday
I went to meet my two best friends from high school. One of them I haven't seen in about three years. The other in about six months. The three of us haven't been in the same room at the same time since our early twenties. It was good catching up, listening to the stories they remember that I don't and the reminiscing.
March 30, 2015 - Monday
I had to go to Northpark on the way home today. It's been a long while since I've been there. On my way to the Apple Store I passed a Microsoft Windows Store. It oddly looks a lot like the Apple Store except it was empty. Well there were several employees but not a lot of customers. The Apple Store was really crowded.
March 29, 2015 - Sunday
The first time I met this guy he peed on me. He used to bark nonstop at me too. Over the last couple of weekends I've been helping my friend with some home improvements. Today this guy finally crawled into my lap to be petted. I think we're friends now.
March 28, 2015 - Saturday
It's been a while since I've been to my friend's place to eat, drink, smoke and be merry. He used to have the most amazing back yard with a pool. It was perfect for all the above. He moved to a new place last year and has just recently added a pool to his new place. It's just like old times again. Perfect.
March 27, 2015 - Friday
My sister is a huge proponent of barley grass. It's supposed to help with all types of inflammation. I use it from time to time and it seems to work really well and quite quickly. I'm using it again right now.
March 26, 2015 - Thursday
There was a replay of the Cowboys game against the Rams on the NFL Network. I'm missing football.
March 25, 2015 - Wednesday
Stuff on my desk at work.
March 24, 2015 - Tuesday
I have a picture of Riley's first bath and the first bath I gave Grace. The weather has pretty much sucked since I got my car. It's finally nice and supposed to be nice for a week so I took my car to be washed for the first time. And of course it rained while I was out to dinner the very next day.
March 23, 2015 - Monday
You have no idea how hard it is to get Amazon to send you one shoe in each color. Yes they're slip ons. I hate tying my shoes, and yes, I know how. Now I have four new shoes to add to the collection under my coffee table. It's starting to get crowded under there.
March 22, 2015 - Sunday
I'm so glad my friend is having a b-day. Now I have some of these left over from the Chocolate Pillows I made Friday. My afternoon snack for the next few days.
March 21, 2015 - Saturday
After spending part of the afternoon with a friend in Houston I went down to visit my sister. We tried some BBQ and went down to the beach. It was really cloudy but at least it wasn't raining. And by the way, Leon's BBQ in Galveston has some good ribs. The sausage was okay. My brother's BBQ is still way better. Also, I live 299 miles from the ocean.
March 20, 2015 - Friday
I have a friend who's birthday is next week and I haven't seen her in a couple of years. She really likes these. I mean really. I'll be in her neighborhood tomorrow so I thought I'd make her a big batch and freeze them. Now she can bake a few whenever she likes. I guess it's still possible that she may bake them all at once and eat them all too.
March 19, 2015 - Thursday
Met a couple of friends for dinner after work at one of my favorite places, Ziziki's. It was great catching up and hearing all about the good things going on with them both. It's always great to share lots of laughs and good news over a great meal and a drink or two. And of course we had dessert.
March 18, 2015 - Wednesday
These are the two meds that I'm giving Grace right now. She doesn't like taking them. I tried lots of different methods in the past and she's too clever. These are small I've tried them in a piece of hot dog and she would eat the hot dog and spit out the pill. She's a little easier now that she been taking these for about a week.
March 17, 2015 - Tuesday
I went to meet a friend for dinner after work. There were a bunch of plates on the table considering there were only two of us there. I guess that the sign of a good meal and good conversation.
March 16, 2015 - Monday
So if you're trying to teach your kids about fractions, this is a pretty tasty way to do it. Sure you could use Legos too, but then you can't eat your demonstration. You're welcome.
March 15, 2015 - Sunday
It's the time of year when my brother closes his front gate and lets his cows loose in the front part of his property for a free mowing and a free feeding. It's always funny to me to look out the window and see a cow walk by. I think this is one of his calves that I photographed last March.
March 14, 2015 - Saturday
Happy Pi Day, the only day is history ever to match the value of Pi, 3.1415. I went over to a friend's to help do some work on her house. She's becoming famous for her pies. So while it was completely coincidental, we had a homemade pie on Pi day. It was lemon and it was delicious. Even better she sent a whole bunch home with me.
March 13, 2015 - Friday
I made a couple of stops on the way home from work. I saw this couple shopping and had to stop and watch for just a bit. This elderly man was helping his wife and it was pretty evident that she couldn't do this on her own. What a sweet moment. Glad I got to see it.
March 12, 2015 - Thursday
I had to follow Grace around last night with a flashlight and this tube. I was collecting a "sample." When I dropped it off at the vet's office I was asked, "Is it fresh?" and "Did you keep it in the fridge?" "It's from about 10pm." and "Uh, no. Are you crazy?" I'm not putting a tube of poo in my fridge where I keep my food. Gross.
March 11, 2015 - Wednesday
I have not felt very much like cooking in a long while. I feel completely uninspired. Some days I'll just have peanut butter crackers or a sandwich for dinner. And sometimes I just walk out the back gate and go get some Bo Bo China.
March 10, 2015 - Tuesday
When Riley started dying her hair red I bought some red towels because she's messy. Of course she had to bleach her hair first and again, she's messy. So now they're splotchy and have holes in them. I use these towels for Grace's bath time.
March 9, 2015 - Monday
My bag was finally delivered over the weekend. Now I have a place to put my laptop and the other stuff I carry around. Timbuk2 makes some pretty cool bags. This one lets you select the materials and colors of the bag's panels. It took a while to be delivered but I'm pretty happy with it.
March 8, 2015 - Sunday
The other day I went to the grocery store. Standing outside selling these was the cutest little girl with the blackest hair and the bluest eyes. I don't think she was even old enough to be a girl scout, she must have been a little sister, but there was no resisting her little voice. Not that I take a lot of persuading.
March 7, 2015 - Saturday
I ran a bunch of errands today. One was to see my sister and brother-in-law and ship Riley's package to her. My niece was there with her little girl. She's at the age where the answer to everything is a little shake of the head and a "No." I guess when you're that cute it's okay to wear crocs.
March 6, 2015 - Friday
I don't know if it's the weather or what, but by the time I got off work on Friday I just wanted to go home and rest. I finished getting Riley's computer ready and packed. She's going to be so excited when this arrives.
March 5, 2015 - Thursday
Now this is something you almost never see, 635 practically empty at noon, or practically any time for that matter. I went in to work at noon today. By that time it was a bright, sunny day. I loved the empty, wet highway reflecting the blue sky.
March 4, 2015 - Wednesday
The weather in North Texas for the last couple of weeks has completely sucked. It rained pretty much all day today. It got colder and windier as the day went on. We left work a little early since it was supposed to freeze. I can hear the ice hitting the windows right now.
March 3, 2015 - Tuesday
The weather was a little warmer today than it's been in a while. When I saw a Swirl on the menu it seemed like a good idea. Haven't had one of those in a long time. Met a friend I hadn't seen in a long while too. Nice drink but even better company. The guacamole wasn't too shabby either.
March 2, 2015 - Monday
The first thing I bought after buying my car is a cover for the back seat and a bed for Grace. She goes for rides with me a lot and her white hair is going to show up like crazy in the black interior. I may have to take her to the salon to get her hair dyed black.
March 1, 2015 - Sunday
I fell in love with these when they first came out and I used to have one a long while back. A woman ran a red light and totaled it. This one is not even remotely new but it is barely used. It was almost too good to be true and I couldn't pass it up. I went to the garage to get my bag out of the car. I love the color of the wood in this.
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Drop me a note if you have any questions about my photos. If you have any comments, I'd like to hear those too.
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What was I thinking....
I don't know. I came up with the photo of the day idea because I was bored and needed something to get me motivated creatively after I got fired. I already enjoyed taking photos and knew this would force me to really open my eyes, looking for moments, subjects or anything to shoot. Some days I don't get my camera out fast enough.
I initially posted my photos as an album on Facebook to share with friends. I started in July of 2010 and went back to my b-day in June. That’s why there are only a few photos in the first month and why it starts in the middle of the year.
Being a web designer building a site just seemed like the next logical step for me after a few months. It was an opportunity to build something new that I hadn't built before and another creative project. My first iteration of the website wa in Flash, but the second time around I wanted it to be accessible on mobile devices too.
I have a couple of photography books I'm working on and this project would help feed the need for content, but more importantly, help maintain a level of creative momentum. The best part - there are NO rules. Everything is valid; the interesting, of course, the silly, because its funny (at least to me) or the mundane, just because.
I try to take a photo every day, but sometimes I don’t. Of course some days I take way more than one. Vacations and events are big occasions though I try not to post photos of family and friends. I didn’t really come to this decision until a little ways into this so you’ll see a few faces in the early months of this project.
From now on I won't be updating the older versions. Please go to the home page for newer content.
MARCH 2015