February 28, 2017 - Tuesday - I was having a crappy day. I think it was more my attitude than anything in particular. I left for lunch and went to get my car washed. I met this guy. Look at that face. This is Diesel, he was a little timid but he just took a minute to warm up. He was owned by a really funny guy with a great accent. He should do voiceover work.
February 27, 2017 - Monday - Had to pack up and drive back to the real world. Fortunately, there's a Cheesecake Factory on the road back to the real world and they had a slice of Linda's Fudge Cake waiting for me.
February 26, 2017 - Sunday - It was an overcast day and it did sprinkle on us a little, but we found time to go for a walk down to see some of the other cabins and down by a creek. We also had some quality time by a big fire behind the cabin. We crammed in a lot of fun before the Academy Awards. I don't usually watch, but my friend is a big fan of all things celebrity related.
February 25, 2017 - Saturday - One of the things my friend and I have in common is our love of food and cooking. We usually have quite the plan for our meals while we're out here. Unfortunately this time we were both really busy in the weeks leading up to this trip. She still did a great job winging the plan and we ate really well as always.
February 24, 2017 - Friday - A friend and I came out to Broken Bow again for a long weekend. We got here just before dark and spent most of the evening sitting by the fire out back drinking wine. We're learning quite a lesson about the different qualities of the cabins out here. Same company doesn't mean same amenities.
February 23, 2017 - Thursday - Feeling even more like myself today. I worked really late to get as much done as I could since I'm leaving early tomorrow. In spite of getting off late I still came home and made this. I had mushrooms and chicken in the fridge that wouldn't wait until I get back on Monday. It was a very good and very late dinner.
February 22, 2017 - Wednesday - It's National Margarita Day. Met a friend for dinner. Fortunately she suggested a good Mexican place. I usually get a beer but I thought a Swirl sounded good. It was. The meds I started yesterday morning really started kicking in last night. I'm so thankful. Yesterday was a good day to forget, except for Riley coming over and being so sweet.
February 21, 2017 - Tuesday - By the end of the night last night my flare up blossomed into a night like I've not had in a very long time. I wasn't able to sleep much or function very well this morning so I called in to work. Riley came over and picked up some groceries for me and walked the dogs. Wasn't sure how long this one would last. If I were a dog I would put me down today.
February 20, 2017 - Monday - Some people have President's Day off. I'm not one of them usually. I took half a day off to meet a friend in Ft. Worth who is fortunate enough to be one of those who do. This makes up for the times she's come all the way to Dallas. We had my favorite nachos at Yucatan Taco Stand for a late lunch.
February 19, 2017 - Sunday - Today for the first time in a long time I didn't have anything planned at all. It was so nice especially considering I was having the beginning of a flare up. By the end of the day I realized I hadn't taken a photo at all. I rolled over and Biscuit was doing her best to look cute with Pancake's butt in her face.
February 18, 2017 - Saturday - It's been a really long time since a Cirque du Soleil show has been to town. Some of their traveling shows are all about the acts with very little in the way of sets or decorations. Some of them are more elaborate. This one was all about the acts and there were some really good ones. We had great seats too.
February 17, 2017 - Friday - It was a little cold in the office this morning. And it's even colder in our conference room. I don't think I'll ever drink coffee. Especially when there's hot chocolate available. Happy Friday everybody.
February 16, 2017 - Thursday - Today our office went on a field trip to a virtual reality production company to see what these guys are capable of creating. We got to channel our inner Kevin Costner and shoot arrows at virtual bad guys trying to storm our castle. Yes we looked pretty goofy wearing these but it was so much fun. I'd rather go here again than Top Golf.
February 15, 2017 - Wednesday - I think I have an idea for a new t-shirt design. I'm not sure if I'm fiber or foam filled, but I prefer to think of it more as fluff. Though when I'm recovering I like to lay flat and recover my shape before being used again so maybe I'm foam.
February 14, 2017 - Tuesday - I ended up having to work late today. Earlier I made guac for the office. Since I'm the only one here, I ate the guac for dinner and I had a beer or two. I wasn't too upset about working late. I didn't have any plans anyway. One of the perks of being single is no one to disappoint.
February 13, 2017 - Monday - Tonight I stayed home and had leftovers from the movies last night. I don't remember what I watched but it was good and so were these.
February 12, 2017 - Sunday - Met a friend for dinner and a movie. We went to see Lion. There's a scene somewhere in the middle where the main guy dreams about sharing a piece of fruit with his mom. Mom was on my mind a bit before, but that put me over the edge and made the rest of the movie hard to focus on and hard to watch. It was a very good movie.
February 11, 2017 - Saturday - A friend unexpectedly texted me for lunch today. Thankfully I didn't have any plans for the early part of the day and was able to meet her and her daughter. There's a new Manny's kind of close to me and their veggie quesadillas are really good. More guac too.
February 10, 2017 - Friday - What a crazy long day at work. Not enough hours in the day to get all that I needed to do done. I left on time to meet a friend for some great Cuban food. Unfortunately I had to go back to the office to finish up some work. Got back to a completely dark office. A transformer blew at the corner. Was able to work from home though. Yay me.
February 9, 2017 - Thursday - I met a friend and her little boy for lunch today. Did I mention they name him after me? We shared some guacamole. Bo likes guac just like me. After dinner last night I decided to just a have a salad for lunch. I probably should have a salad for several lunches, dinners and a few breakfasts.
February 8, 2017 - Wednesday - Riley came into town for dinner. We've been planning on coming to Tony's since yesterday and this is all I've been thinking about since. The tortellini bolognese here is delicious. I was thinking of getting an order to go just to have this later this week. But I refrained.
February 7, 2017 - Tuesday - We have a nook in our office. One of the girls decided it was just the perfect size for a little chaise. I think maybe she thinks some of us need therapy. Some days she's not too wrong. I could use a place to lay back, have a drink and enjoy a good cigar. Not sure if we can smoke in the office???
February 6, 2017 - Monday - I picked up some snacks from Nothing Bundt Cakes this weekend which made coming home for lunch a bit more pleasant. The red velvet, chocolate chocolate chip and the carrot cake all taste really good but my favorite might be the frosting on all of them.
February 5, 2017 - Sunday - Went to my brother's for the Super Bowl. Today is his and my sister's birthday too. We celebrated with lots of BBQ and chocolate cake. This is my niece's dog. I like almost all animals but this is the worst dog ever. I feel bad that he's so nervous and anxious but he is even more annoying than the two I have at home.
February 4, 2017 - Saturday - I spent the month of January trying to catch up with friends I don't get to see often enough. Most of which live in the metroplex but not very nearby. Today I had lunch with a friend who lives very near but I haven't seen in years. I'm having a bit of a flare up again so I spent the rest of the day on the couch.
February 3, 2017 - Friday - After living at these apartments for a year and a half I found that we have a trash compacter for larger trash items. It's on the opposite side of the complex from me so I've never even driven to this side. This big sticker is on the side. Just in case climbing in something that smells like old garbage and crushes stuff doesn't seem like a bad idea.
February 2, 2017 - Thursday - Met a friend for dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant. It was supposed to be a few of us but that's what happens when you try to coordinate with more than one person at a time. You never know what's going to happen. Dinner was still very good.
February 1, 2017 - Wednesday - Today was such a beautiful day. I went to lunch with one of the guys from work. We found a patio in the sun and a drink. It was good to get out of the office for a bit and relax. Things have been really busy since we got back from the holidays.
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Drop me a note if you have any questions about my photos. If you have any comments, I'd like to hear those too.
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What was I thinking....
I don't know. I came up with the photo of the day idea because I was bored and needed something to get me motivated creatively after I got fired. I already enjoyed taking photos and knew this would force me to really open my eyes, looking for moments, subjects or anything to shoot. Some days I don't get my camera out fast enough.
I initially posted my photos as an album on Facebook to share with friends. I started in July of 2010 and went back to my b-day in June. That’s why there are only a few photos in the first month and why it starts in the middle of the year.
Being a web designer building a site just seemed like the next logical step for me after a few months. It was an opportunity to build something new that I hadn't built before and another creative project. My first iteration of the website wa in Flash, but the second time around I wanted it to be accessible on mobile devices too.
I have a couple of photography books I'm working on and this project would help feed the need for content, but more importantly, help maintain a level of creative momentum. The best part - there are NO rules. Everything is valid; the interesting, of course, the silly, because its funny (at least to me) or the mundane, just because.
I try to take a photo every day, but sometimes I don’t. Of course some days I take way more than one. Vacations and events are big occasions though I try not to post photos of family and friends. I didn’t really come to this decision until a little ways into this so you’ll see a few faces in the early months of this project.
From now on I won't be updating the older versions. Please go to the home page for newer content.