August 31, 2021 - Tuesday - Today I had to get up almost as early as I did to get here. I drove all the way down the 101 back to San Francisco to catch my afternoon flight home. It's a pretty scenic drive especially the first few hours. I have to work tomorrow so it's nice getting home early in the evening.
August 30, 2021 - Monday - This beach is the same one as yesterday and is real close to my friend's house. The parking lot has a great view overlooking the beach, but to get to the actual beach it's about six flights of steps down. We stayed for a little while until the sun disappeared then started back up the cliff side. The view up there is still amazing.
August 29, 2021 - Sunday - My arthritis was better but still not so good. Fortunately I got to feeling better later in the day. We went for a long ride and did a little walking on a few beaches. We went to catch the sunset but it was really overcast and gloomy. It made for a beautiful, grayscale photo of the evening.
August 28, 2021 - Saturday - My arthritis was not being very cooperative today. We spent the whole day relaxing at my friend's house. When I finally felt up to taking a shower I saw this growing outside her bathroom. She has lots beautiful flowers growing all around her home. These were the only ones catching the afternoon sun.
August 27, 2021 - Friday - Today I got up ridiculously early to catch a really early flight to San Francisco. Last time I drove the whole way from San Fran to my friend's up Hwy 1. This time I took the 101 most of the way then cut over to Ft Bragg. This allowed me to get to my friend's house in time for dinner and to catch this view.
August 26, 2021 - Thursday - I had a few avocados that ripened just in time to make this big bowl of guacamole for dinner before I leave tomorrow. I worked a bit late but was able to getting everything done, make this and still get packed. That was actually the easy part I'm not going to be gone too long.
August 25, 2021 - Wednesday - A while back on a whim I booked a trip to California. Fortunately I've gotten better in time to take my vacation. I ordered some cookies to take to my friend I'm visiting and they were delivered this afternoon. I hope she likes them as much as I do.
August 24, 2021 - Tuesday - I don't know when I realized I like big dogs but I know one of the best things is when they lay next to you they keep you warm and make really good armrests. I don't know that I'll ever get a dog with longer hair than this again. Zak doesn't shed at all like Grace did. She was such a sweetheart though.
August 23, 2021 - Monday - A long while back Riley was out shopping and she came across these, trading cards from movies. I forgot about them. I remember as a little kid I had a bunch of Star Wars cards. This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Supposedly it was one of the most difficult movies to film, but what a success.
August 22, 2021 - Sunday - Today I spent some time on the couch with the pups. Zak is such a handsome guy and I'm so glad I came across him when I did. That one chance meeting at the shelter was such a fortunate coincidence for both of us.
August 21, 2021 - Saturday - Being sick or stuck at home used to be a big issue. I remember a few years back when my arthritis was really bad and getting groceries was a challenge and food deliveries were limited. Where I live now you can get most anything delivered at almost anytime. Riley got me this tonight.
August 20, 2021 - Friday - Today is really the first day that I've really felt like myself again. I must be getting better because my arthritis is back to messing with my joints today. I did a lot of work today and Riley made lunch for us. I don't know what all was in this but it was delicious!
August 19, 2021 - Thursday - I've not missed this many days in years and I must admit it's been nice giving no thought to photographing anything for any reason. I guess I'll have to get back in the swing of things at some point I suppose. Miss number 8.
August 18, 2021 - Wednesday - I think since I missed a few days recently I've somewhat checked out and this is my 7th miss this year.
August 17, 2021 - Tuesday - I came across one of the version of The Mummy from the late 60's. It had the Death Star guy from Star Wars in it when he was young. I'm definitely not a horror movie fan of any kind but these old 50s & 60s scary movies are more to my liking.
August 16, 2021 - Monday - I'm feeling better still but I guess I'm still a little checked out. Miss number 6.
August 15, 2021 - Sunday - Today was another day feeling better but still getting lots of rest. Miss number 5.
August 14, 2021 - Saturday - I don't know what was in that infusion but that stuff is magic. I'm glad today is the weekend because it was nice to just rest all day. Except for that little bit when I got out to pick up Riley. Miss number 4.
August 13, 2021 - Friday - I finally called my sister and got told what I need to do. She found an ER near me that could do a quick COVID test and give me an infusion treatment if I tested positive. With my arthritis meds my immune system isn't at it's best and apparently I can go from bad to real bad quickly. Really nice people took care of me today.
August 12, 2021 - Thursday - Today my head feels a little bit clearer though that's not really saying much. Not that I've felt dizzy so much as in a fog or just not thinking clearly. I spent more of my down time on the couch. This time I got a photo of Biscuit being lazy too.
August 11, 2021 - Wednesday - Today is even worse than yesterday. I worked from home but I also had to take some time to rest on the couch every so often. Pancake can be so sweet and I must admit I'm glad I'm not home alone. It's nice to have company and the three dogs to talk to. Even if it's the fever talking.
August 10, 2021 - Tuesday - Today is the worst I've felt so far. Unfortunately we're pretty busy with work and I had to get stuff done today. I don't remember much from today except that I spilled some water while getting a drink and took this with my phone in the light of the fridge.
August 9, 2021 - Monday - Okay I'm really sick. Full on flu symptoms. Thankful I can work from home but also feeling pretty crappy and would rather sleep on the couch all day. This is my 3rd miss of the year.
August 8, 2021 - Sunday - I feel worse, but it's hard to complain since my arthritis is being very cooperative. It's been a long time since I've had a cold and feeling the aches of just being sick. Didn't feel much like cooking today so I ordered pizza. I still have an appetite and the dogs love the crusts.
August 7, 2021 - Saturday - Arthritis wise I'm feeling the best I have in over a week, however this cold is getting worse. I stopped by the store yesterday and got some meds. I hope this won't last more than a few days. I turned on Breaking Bad on this morning and let it run most of the day while I tried to get a little housework accomplished.
August 6, 2021 - Friday - I began feeling a little something yesterday at work. This morning it was definitely something of a head cold so I stayed and worked from home. I haven't made oatmeal in forever. Zak and the girls were really happy too. They come running as soon as they here me chopping the apples.
August 5, 2021 - Thursday - After work I got home and had to make these. The fresh tortillas from Kroger won't last more than a day or so. I love breakfast for dinner and these always remind me of being a kid.
August 4, 2021 - Wednesday - I finally got out and got my hair cut today. I needed one even before I went on vacation. I was super shaggy. When I got back to the office I parked in the parking lot and saw this lone chicken nugget sitting on the base of one of the lampposts. I don't know why but a it struck me as funny.
August 3, 2021 - Tuesday - The Wifi where Riley's at is pretty iffy, but she found a spot that we were able to FaceTime for a bit. We got to talk for a while and she was able to show me around her new surroundings. She came face to face with a dear on the sidewalk. It was good to see her face even if she makes silly faces at me.
August 2, 2021 - Monday - We're going back into the office for a few weeks. I was able to get my iMac running and backed up. I used that to migrate all my stuff to my new laptop. I'm excited to see how much faster this is than my old machine. I'll be using it with a big monitor at the office.
August 1, 2021 - Sunday - After brunch Riley went out with her BF. When she got back she decided to peel off the plastic from her latest tattoo. She's a big fan of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I really like that one too.
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